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How To Stop Rubbing Your Tongue On Your Teeth?

Did you know that rubbing your tongue on your teeth can cause bad breath? The bacteria on your tongue feed off the sugar in your saliva, and when you keep licking your teeth, you provide the bacteria with more food. To stop rubbing your tongue on your teeth and get better oral hygiene, try these steps:

1) Clean your teeth regularly with toothpaste and water.

2) Brush your tongue regularly.

3) Avoid eating sugary foods and drinks.

4) Stick to healthy eating habits overall.

If you still have bad breath, see your dentist for a check-up to ensure no other issue is causing the problem.

What Causes Tongue Rubbing?

There are many causes of tongue rubbing, but the most common ones include dry mouth, toothache, and a sore throat. If you have any of these conditions, make sure to see your doctor or dentist for relief. However, there are some simple remedies you can take at home to stop tongue rubbing.


Most people know that toothpaste can help clean their teeth and remove plaque. But did you know that it also helps relieve toothache? Chew on a piece of hard candy or a tablet of ibuprofen while brushing your teeth to get the same effect.

Lip Balm:

Another common remedy for toothache is lip balm. Apply some cream to your lips before bed, and then brush your teeth in the morning. The lip balm will help relieve the pain and inflammation caused by toothache.

Sucking Ice:

If you have a sore throat, try sucking on ice cubes or a frozen lemonade mix. The cold will help reduce inflammation and pain in your throat area.

Wet Your Mouth: 

Another way to relieve toothache is to wet your mouth. Swish water in your mouth for a few minutes every hour. It will help clean and clear away the plaque and bacteria that can cause toothache.

Solutions to Stop Tongue Rubbing

If you’re constantly rubbing your tongue on your teeth, there are some simple solutions to help stop the habit.

One solution is to keep a toothbrush handy and use it to brush your teeth regularly. It will help remove any plaque that may be building up on your teeth, which can lead to tongue rubbing.

You can also try using a tongue scraper to remove any built-up material from your tongue. That can be a helpful tool if you find it difficult to brush your teeth regularly or if you have braces or other dental devices that may interfere with brushing.

Finally, you can try using a mouth guard to help reduce the amount of tongue rubbing. Mouth guards can provide adequate protection against tooth decay and other oral health issues, making it easier to stop tongue rubbing.

If these solutions do not work for you, speak to your dentist about possible alternatives. They may be able to recommend a specific product or treatment that can help you stop tongue rubbing.

How to Tell If It’s Time to See a Dentist?

When you’re feeling a little bit of toothache, it’s important to know if it’s time to see a dentist. Here are four ways to tell if your tooth is in trouble:

  • Sores/bumps on the tooth: This may indicate your tooth is infected and needs to be treated by a dentist.
  • Teeth that are moving around or sticking out: This can signify that the tooth is loose and needs to be checked by a dentist.
  • Tooth that feels hard or dry: If the tooth feels hard, it may need to be treated by a dentist because it could mean that the tooth has gone into decay.
  • Lump on top of a tooth: It indicates the tooth’s root is infected and needs to be treated by a dentist.


If you constantly rub your tongue on your teeth, there might be a reason for it. If you have dental issues or are experiencing pain on one side of your mouth, it might be challenging to resist the urge to rub those teeth against each other. However, this can cause wear and tear on your teeth and gums, leading to more serious dental problems. To avoid this problem, try using a salt water rinse or toothpaste designed specifically for people with sensitive teeth instead of brushing and biting down hard on your toothbrush.