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Why Are My Teeth Breaking Off at the Gum Line?

One of the most feared dentistry emergencies is a tooth broken off close to the gum line. It’s not only painful, but it can be challenging to treat and may need additional dental work to fix. 

Teeth are essential for general health and appearance, so it is no surprise that people take great care of them. However, some common problems can cause teeth to break off at the gum line over time. In this article, we’ll discuss the reasons why teeth may begin to break off and offer some tips on how to prevent them from happening.

What Causes Teeth to Break Off at the Gum Line?

If you’ve noticed that your teeth are breaking off at the gum line, you may wonder what’s causing it. There are a few potential reasons your teeth might be breaking off at the gum line, depending on the individual’s dental history and oral health. Here are some of the most common causes of teeth breaking off at the gum line:

1. Over-the-counter toothpaste and gels can cause tooth decay and weaken the enamel on your teeth. When this happens, microscopic cracks can form in the enamel, eventually leading to tooth loss. If you have a lot of tartar build-up on your teeth, over-the-counter toothpaste and gels can also cause your gums to recede, leading to tooth breakage.

2. You may also be prone to tooth breakage if you have a history of bad oral hygiene. Poor brushing and flossing habits can lead to plaque build-up on your teeth, promoting tooth decay and gum disease. Not only that, but repeated bouts of stress or trauma (like falling asleep with your mouth open) can also cause permanent tooth damage.

3. If you have a missing tooth, it can cause your gum line to become more visible. When there’s a space between the teeth and the gum line, bacteria can easily get trapped and cause tooth decay. That is especially common if you have an implant or permanent dentition.

4. If you have a history of dental work involving metal brackets or wires, those materials can also cause tooth breakage at the gum line. Over time, these materials can wear down and create tiny cracks in your teeth’s enamel. It can lead to tooth loss over time if not treated appropriately.

If you notice that your teeth are breaking off at the gum line, you must see your dentist for a check-up to determine the root cause of the problem. In most cases, proper oral hygiene and treatment will help prevent teeth from breaking off at the gum line in the future.

How can I Prevent Teeth from Breaking Off at the Gum Line?

When teeth break off at the gum line, it can be a frustrating and sometimes embarrassing problem. The cause of this issue is often unknown, but there are some things that you can do to help prevent it from happening. Here are some tips:

1. Brush and floss regularly. Make sure to remove any plaque and debris contributing to tooth decay and gum disease. It will help keep your teeth healthy and prevent them from breaking off at the gum line.

2. Don’t smoke. Smoking can increase your chances of developing gum disease, leading to tooth decay and tooth loss.

3. Eat a balanced diet. A good diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. These foods will provide you with essential vitamins and minerals, which will help protect your teeth from breaking off at the gum line.

4. Get regular dental checkups. If you have any signs or symptoms of oral health problems, such as toothache or pain when chewing, see your dentist for a checkup as soon as possible. They may be able to identify the cause of your problem and recommend appropriate treatment or prevention measures.

Treatments for Teeth that Break Off at the Gum Line

Many possible treatments for teeth break off at the gum line. Often, the best option is a combination of treatments.

One standard treatment is a root canal. It is a surgery to clean and repair the root of a tooth. If the tooth breaks off due to decay, the root may need to be removed and replaced with a new one.

Another standard treatment is a crown. A crown is a decorative piece of dental work covering a tooth’s top (front). If a tooth breaks off due to decay or disease, a crown may be necessary to hold it in place and restore its appearance.


Teeth are a vital part of our oral health and can sometimes break off at the gum line. It is due to various reasons, including genetics, diet, stress, and dental care. If you’re noticing that your teeth are breaking off at the gum line, you must get them checked out by a dentist as soon as possible. Doing so can determine the cause of the problem and make necessary adjustments to your oral health regimen.