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Why Do My Teeth Hurt After Flossing?

Flossing is one of the most common dental hygiene habits, and for a good reason – it helps remove plaque and bacteria from between your teeth. But sometimes, flossing can cause tooth pain. In this article, we explore why this might be the case and offer tips on minimizing tooth pain after flossing.

How to floss correctly?

You can do a few things to make flossing more effective and less painful for your teeth. First, use the correct floss type for your oral health needs. There are three types of floss: waxed, unwaxed, and silk. Waxed floss is the best choice for people with gum disease since it removes plaque and bacteria more effectively than unwaxed or silk floss. Second, start at the back of your teeth and work toward the front. Don’t forget to use a light touch when flossing so as not to damage your gums. And last but not least, always rinse your mouth after flossing to remove any remaining plaque or bacteria.

The different types of floss

If you’re like most people, you floss at least once a week. But why do your teeth hurt after flossing? There are a few different types of floss available on the market, so it’s essential to know which one is best for your needs.

1. Traditional floss is made of thin, strong fibers that can reach deep between teeth and remove plaque and food debris. It’s often considered the most effective type of floss because it removes more plaque than other types of floss.

2. Cross-linked polyethylene (CMPE) floss is made from long, thin strands of plastic that are tightly twisted together. Unlike traditional floss, CMPE floss has no bristles, so it can’t remove plaque as well as conventional floss. However, CMPE floss is less likely to break and has a longer life span than other types of floss.

3. Microfiber dental floss is made from tiny strands of synthetic fiber about one-quarter the size of human hair. Microfiber dental floss is made from beautiful fibers that can penetrate deep into the spaces between your teeth, making it ideal for people with tight teeth spacing

How to remove plaque from teeth?

Like most people, you floss regularly to remove dental plaque and bacteria from your teeth. But sometimes, even after you’ve done a great job of brushing and flossing, your teeth still hurt. Why is that?

There are a few possible explanations. First, some dental plaque is hard to remove. It’s built up on the outer surfaces of your teeth and can be tough to scrape off with a toothbrush or floss. Second, if you have sensitive teeth or gums, plaque can irritate them. Finally, tartar on your teeth (a build-up of calcium and other minerals) can cause pain when you brush or floss.

Whatever the reason for your toothache after flossing, you can take steps to ease the pain and improve your oral hygiene. Here are some tips:

1. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush instead of a hard one when brushing your teeth. Stiff bristles can damage vulnerable gum tissue and cause toothache.

2. Make sure you use fluoride toothpaste in each brushing cycle to remove plaque and bacteria from your teeth effectively. 

The best way to store floss

If you purchase a floss package, store it in an airtight container. You can also store floss in the refrigerator, but take it out before you need it, so it does not go wrong.

How Can Flossing Damage Teeth?

Flossing is one of the most commonly recommended dental hygiene habits, and for a good reason. By removing plaque and bacteria from between teeth, floss can help to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. However, flossing can also cause damage to teeth if it is not done correctly.

Flossing can harm teeth in a few different ways. First, the metal floss can dig into the tooth surface, creating microscopic damage that can lead to cavities. Second, flossing can dislodge tooth debris and bacteria that have become trapped between teeth. This debris and bacteria can then cause tooth pain and inflammation. Finally, flossing can also scrape away the enamel on teeth, leading to tooth sensitivity and eventual damage.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms after flossing, it’s essential to consult with a dentist to determine the source of the pain. In some cases, simple corrective adjustments to your flossing technique may be all that is necessary to alleviate the pain.

How to Avoid Damaging Your Teeth While Flossing?

If you’re like most people, you floss at least once a day. Unfortunately, you can do a few things to damage your teeth while flossing. Here are some of the most common ways to damage your teeth while flossing:

1. Placing too much pressure on your teeth when flossing. When you place too much pressure on your teeth, you can cause them to fracture or crack. This will often result in tooth pain and may require dental treatment.

2. Not using enough water when flossing. If you don’t use enough water when flossing, the string will be too dry and will cause damage to your teeth. This can lead to tooth decay and other dental problems.

3. Not following the proper flossing technique. The wrong approach can cause unnecessary damage to your teeth, including breaking them off. To avoid this, make sure to use gentle circular motions across all of your teeth and wet the string thoroughly before using it to brush your teeth.

Tips for Better Flossing

Flossing is an essential part of oral care, but it can be hard to get the floss between your teeth. Here are four tips for better flossing:

  • Use a long enough piece of floss – flossing is easiest when the floss is long enough to fit between your teeth. Be sure to get between your teeth and down into the gums.
  • Hold the floss straight – try not to curve the floss around your teeth. This will help it slide more easily between your teeth.
  • Use gentle pressure – be gentle when flossing, and don’t use too much pressure. This will help avoid any pain or discomfort.


After flossing, it’s common for people to experience a toothache. This pain can be due to various reasons, but the most common is probably from dental plaque build-up. To avoid toothache after flossing, brush and floss your teeth properly and follow our other tips for preventing cavities. If you experience toothache after flossing, don’t hesitate to visit your dentist for an evaluation.