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Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I am Sick?

As you might know, when you’re sick, your immune system is attacking your own body. This can cause a whole host of symptoms, one of which is a pain in your teeth. You’ve probably noticed your teeth hurting when you’re feeling sick before. Why do my teeth hurt when I’m sick?  In this article, we’ll explore why teeth might hurt when you’re ill and what you can do to ease the pain.

The Causes of Teeth Pain When You’re Ill

If you’re one of the many people who experience tooth pain when you’re sick, you can do a few things to help relieve the pain. Here are six of the most common causes of tooth pain when you’re sick:

1. Sinusitis:

A bacterial infection of your sinuses can cause inflammation and swelling in your nasal passages, leading to tooth pain. Treatment usually includes antibiotics and pain relief medication. If you experience tooth pain when sick, make sure to see your doctor for an evaluation.

2. Bronchitis:

A common respiratory illness, bronchitis causes inflammation and swelling in the small air passages in your lungs. This can lead to congestion and swelling in your throat, which can cause tooth pain. Treatment typically includes antibiotics and over-the-counter pain relief medications, like ibuprofen. If you experience tooth pain when sick, make sure to see your doctor for an evaluation.

3. Ear Infection:

An ear infection is a common childhood ailment but can occur at any age. A bacteria or virus usually causes disease in the middle ear, the space behind the eardrum. Ear infections are often painful and can cause fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. In some cases, they can lead to toothache.

Home Remedies to Treat Toothaches When You’re Sick

When you’re sick, your body is fighting off infection and trying to restore balance. This can cause a range of symptoms, including toothaches. Here are some home remedies to treat toothaches when you’re sick:

1. Drink warm liquids. Teething infants often get toothaches because their gums are irritated, and they don’t have enough saliva to cool their teeth. Warm beverages can help soothe your gums and relieve toothache pain. Try drinking warm water with a little honey or lemon juice mixed in or hot tea with a bit of honey or lemon juice added.

2. Take ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is an over-the-counter pain reliever that can help relieve toothache pain. Taking it as soon as you feel the pain will help reduce the inflammation and swelling that can lead to toothache. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking ibuprofen if you have any health conditions, such as heart disease or asthma.

What If You Can’t Get to the Dentist?

If you’re like most people, you dread the thought of going to the dentist. But if you can’t get to the dentist, there are some things you can do to help your teeth and gums.

Here are four tips for keeping your teeth healthy when you can’t get to the dentist:

1. Floss regularly. Not only will flossing remove plaque and bacteria from between your teeth, but it will also help keep your gums healthy.

2. Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft toothbrush. Brush in an anticline direction – towards the gum line – to remove all of the plaque and food particles from your teeth and gums.

3. Eat a balanced diet that includes enough vitamins and minerals. A lack of these essential nutrients can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

4. Visit a dentist when you need treatment, even if you can’t get there immediately. Many dental problems, such as cavities or bad root alignment, can be fixed while you wait for an appointment at the dentist’s office.

How to Handle a Sick Tooth?

When you’re sick, your immune system works extra hard to protect you from infection. This means that your body is producing more saliva and mucus, which can lead to toothache. Some other symptoms of a sick tooth include a fever, chills, body aches, and fatigue.

To prevent toothache when you’re sick, try these tips:

1. Rinse your mouth with warm water and salt every time you wake up and before bed at night. This will help remove any dried saliva or mucus causing pain.

2. Apply an ice pack to the back of your neck or the base of your skull when you have a headache or toothache. This will reduce inflammation and pain.

3. Drink plenty of fluids to avoid getting dehydrated. This will help to flush out any debris that may be causing pain.

4. Avoid eating acidic foods or drinking excessive water after meals. These foods and drinks can cause pain when they come in contact with teeth.

The Different Types of Toothaches

When you’re sick, your mouth is probably one of the last things you’d think to complain about. But sometimes, your teeth can cause pain when you’re not expecting it. Here’s a look at the different types of toothaches and what can make them worse.

The most common type of toothache is a headache caused by a problem with dentin (the hard outer layer of the tooth). This type of toothache is usually mild and lasts a few hours. The most common cause of dentin headaches is overexposure to colds or stress.

Other causes of mild to moderate toothaches include dry mouth, low saliva levels, TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder), and temporomandibular joint inflammation (a condition that causes pain in the jaw and neck). More severe cases can be caused by diabetes, infection, nerve damage, or fracture.

An abscessed wisdom tooth is the most common type of toothache that requires dental treatment. Abscesses are collections of pus inside the tooth or the gum tissue around it. They can form when bacteria enter through a small opening in the tooth or during an infection in the mouth.

How to Treat Toothache?

If you’re experiencing a toothache, you can do a few things to help alleviate the pain. Here are a few tips:

  • Drink plenty of fluids and avoid caffeinated drinks-Studies have shown that caffeine can increase the pain sensation in your teeth. So stick to water or sports drinks to help relieve your ache.
  •  Use over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen or paracetamol if you experience severe pain-These medications will help reduce inflammation and relieve the pain. However, be aware that they can also cause drowsiness, so use them with caution if you’re driving or operating heavy machinery. 
  • Apply cold packs to your temples or neck to reduce inflammation and swelling-Cooling down the area will help reduce the swelling and promote healing. If you don’t have any cool packs available, try using a cold water spray or ice pack. 
  • Eat a bland diet and drink plenty of fluids-Eating a bland diet will help minimize the amount of acid produced in your mouth. This will help reduce the amount of pain you feel. Additionally, drinking plenty of fluids will help flush out any bacteria contributing to your toothache.


Many people get sick, and their teeth might hurt as a result. There are a few things that can cause your teeth to hurt when you’re sick, including:

  • Canker sores
  • Gingivitis
  • Candidiasis
  • Treponema denticola (a type of roundworm)